Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

Washington, D.C. is in the middle of a heat wave. It was over 100 degF yesterday and today it is the same only the humidity is higher. My hair is poofy no matter what products I put into it in an attempt to keep it straight. Just a few seconds after I step out the door, I can feel the makeup sliding off of my face. Going outside, it feels like I'm underwater because as I move, I can feel the air being pushed away from me because it is so thick and humid. In short, it is miserable outside. Last night, after spending an hour swimming, I was making myself dinner and a bottle of merlot on the kitchen counter caught my eye. As much as I like a nice glass of red wine with dinner, it was just too hot and I needed something more refreshing. I began to wonder why on earth someone hasn't marketed and sold wine popsicles. So I emptied out an ice cube tray and decided to try it. I'm not sure of the alcohol content and how that correlates with the freezing temperature of a liquid. I do know that liquor, for example, freezes on dry ice but not in a regular kitchen freezer. When I go home today, hopefully I will have four ice cube-sized merlot popsicles to enjoy. If not, then I will need to get some dry ice :)

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