Monday, November 29, 2010


So it has been forever since I posted on my blog, but I have been very very busy. I have started a new job! I am a senior editor at the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI). This job is perfect because it blends my interest and education in cancer biology and research with my love of writing. I never thought that my major in English at W&J would ever amount to anything, but it really was a factor in my getting my job. I think that overall, being able to critically evaluate published literature and clearly communicate my thoughts were two skills I learned in college that I have always applied to my work as a scientist.

In other news, I sold my car and I am officially car-free. I have been having my groceries delivered (thank you, Peapod!) and renting zipcars to get around when I have heavy shopping to do. Otherwise, I am taking the metro to work and learning the bus routes and schedules. So far, so good!

So if anyone actually reads this blog, I will be better about posting now :)